Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


Public vs private therapy

There are two types of therapy in the Netherlands: public and private therapy. Public therapy is free (or heavily subsidised) in the Netherlands - as long as you have Dutch health insurance and you go with a contracted provider. If the provider is not included in your insurer's list of contracted-care providers, then you may have to pay a small amount or pay the bill first yourself before sending it to the insurance company. Also, the waiting times for public therapy are much longer than for private therapy.

Conversely, it is easier to get an appointment with a therapist from a private clinic as the waiting times are usually much shorter. However, many private psychologists in the Netherlands do not have contracts with Dutch health insurers and you may be expected to pay for your treatment out-of-pocket.


If you have mild to moderate mental health symptoms, you can also use an e-health service for online counseling. This option offers flexibility as it can be done from the comfort of your own home. It is also a good option if you are on a waiting list and do not wish to go a long period of time without therapy.

Sage Mental Health (SMH) does not work with insurance providers, which means that you are responsible for the cost of services yourself. In most instances, you will receive an invoice on the day of services. If you fail to attend a scheduled service without providing at least 24 hours notice, we reserve the right to invoice the standard fee.

Yes. Sidra, the proprietor of SMH, has a masters degree in Mental Health which has been recognized by Dutch authorities as equivalent to a masters degree in Clinical Psychology, as indicated by her membership in the Dutch Institute for Psychologists (NIP). In addition, Sidra has a masters degree in Social Work and subsequent clinical training and testing which led to licensure to practice psychotherapy in California.

Yes. There are several conditions that require specialized training or are simply outside of our scope of practice, including but not limited to: active suicidality, eating disorders, addictions, bipolar disorders, psychosis, personality disorders, OCD, severe aggression/violent behaviors. It is recommended that you contact your GP for more information on getting treatment with these conditions.


Emergency mental health services

If you or someone you know is experiencing a mental health crisis, such as suicidal thoughts or tendencies, acute depression, delusions or panic attacks, then you should contact a GP immediately. They can help you or your loved one by contacting the 24/7 crisis intervention team.

113 Suicide Prevention

You can anonymously contact 113 Suicide Prevention by calling 113 (normal calling costs) or 0800 0113 (free of charge). You can also use the "Chat" button on their website. They have a strong international orientation and many of their trained volunteers can help you in English, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Support lines

If you need emotional support or just need someone to talk to, there are several helplines and resources that you can use anonymously in the Netherlands:

Emotional support helpline (Stichting Korrelatie): 116 123

The Listening Line (De Luisterlijn): 088 076 7000

MIND Korrelatie: 900 1450 or WhatsApp: 061 386 3803

Social services: 070 205 2222

Domestic abuse hotline (Veilig Thuis): 0800 2000

If you find yourself in a life-threatening situation, contact the standard emergency hotline 112 for urgent assistance.

Coaching can be for a month or two, for example to improve communication or social skills. The length of therapy or counseling is determined in consultation with the therapist, depending on the severity and persistence of your complaints, as well as your goals and financial considerations. You also have the right to cease treatment at any given time and for any reason. However, please note that pre-paid coaching packages are non-refundable.

This is usually determined during the phone consult depending on your goals, needs, financial considerations, and availability.